Hikes in Henry Coe State Park
1 Jan 2012
Henry Coe State Park is a gigantic park with rugged trails meandering through canyons, ridges and creeks. Seasoned hikers find joy in the remoteness of this park. On most hikes, you shall find very few others sharing the trails with you. Multi-day backpacking trips can help you explore the vast interior of Henry Coe. There are several destinations in the park reachable by day hikes ranging from 15 to 25 miles and elevation gains ranging from 3000 to 5000 ft.

  1. Autumn and spring are the best seasons to visit. Almost all trails are in the open, so avoid summers.
  2. Orestimba Wilderness lies in the deep interior of Henry Coe. Park authorities allow vehicular access to this region once an year during the last weekend of April. Check out Backcountry Weekend page. You have to apply several weeks in advance for a permit.
List of Hikes
8.9 miles
1800 ft
Coit - Jackson - Wasno - Grizzly Gulch
A gorgeous hike through green rolling hills with panoramic valley views of Henry Coe.

11.2 miles
1900 ft
Mississippi Lake from Orestimba Corral
A pleasant hike through Orestimba Wilderness through green rolling hills and a walk around Mississippi Lake. Many sections of Hartman Trail were particularly steep.

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