Hikes in Point Pinole Regional Shoreline
1 Jan 2012
Point Pinole Regional Shoreline in Richmond, CA, provides relaxed long walks next to San Francisco Bay shoreline.

It was quite windy in August 2011

Most inland trails were without shade.

Along the western boundary of Point Pinole, there is a beach that runs parallel to Bay View Trail, which runs over cliffs overlooking the beach. There are multiple access points and unnamed trails from Bay View Trail that lead up to the beach. To the south of the beach lies a marshland - note the two semi-circular projections along Bay Trail in the south - these are protected areas and inaccessible to hikers. The beach extends to about 0.3 miles west of the fishing pier.

List of Hikes
5.6 miles
300 ft
Grand Loop in Point Pinole Shoreline
A pretty hike through varied terrain.

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