19 Feb 2008
Shinichi Suzuki pioneered the Suzuki Method for learning the violin. He has authored Nurtured by Love: The Classic Approach to Talent Education, a book that contains a series of short passages, each passage reminiscing an event in his personal life and what he or others learnt from that event. On Page 79, he narrates what he learnt from Albert Einstein:
Not only Einstein but all the members of his intimate circle were prominent people in their fields. They all loved art and were extremely modest and kind. Here I was, just a beginner of no talent, a mere struggling student, and never once did they make me foolish or treat me lightly, but they accepted me warmly and made sure I enjoyed myself. I was touched by the considerate way they took pains to include me in their conversation and to see that I was not bored.

Harmony — in order to achieve it, one person must gracefully give in to the other, and it is nobler to be the one who gives in than the one who forces the other to give in. Harmony cannot be achieved any other way. It was things like that that I learned from Einstein and the people who gathered in his house.

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