Stanford Holi 2008
6 Apr 2008
(click to see full album)

After a gap of almost twenty years, I played Holi the way it is played in India. Holi is the Indian festival of colors! Stanford Holi is an annual event attended by over one thousand individuals.

During the last one hour, I brought my Canon S2-IS into the ground and shot pictures one after the other, unfazed by water sprays and color clouds. Actually, people are very polite and do not disturb photographers :) Really! So nothing bad happened to my camera: not a drop of water or color! All pictures I shot are part of the album below; none has been deleted. On the whole, I had a lot of fun! Slideshow of all Pictures.

IndiaWest coverage: IndiaWest is a weekly North American newspaper for the Indian community. Their April 18 edition covers Stanford Holi 2008. Many thanks to Lisa Tsering for choosing the above picture for coverage! :)

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