Love Poetry: First Rays of the Sun
25 Feb 2013
Love Yourself
Love Others
Nascent Love
The Present Moment
Unspoken Love
Seeking Acceptance
Letting Go
Opening Up
First Rays of the Sun
Wedding Songs
Sufi & Bhakti
These songs describe the joy that accompanies the first rays of the sun in the morning!
Jyoti Kalash Chhalke

A song heralding dawn. Its lyrics evoke a series of positive images. Clouds turn from red to orange to yellow in the morning. The home, the courtyard and the garden are flush with nectar like light. The earth is lush green. Dew laden flowers are a visual delight. The sun cares for everything just like Mother Yashoda cares for Krishna, who manifests in everything around us.
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Man Anand Anand Chhayo

A song heralding dawn in Raga Ahir Bhairav. Excellent rendition by Asha Bhosle. Beautiful lyrics. I don't understand most of the stanzas. Your help would be appreciated. Thanks!
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