Bear Gulch - Alambique
5.2 miles     1000 ft
6 Mar 2010

Gently sloped, short route in Wunderlich Park.

Location: Wunderlich County Park

Elevation Profile
Trip Planning

Trail Maps

» Official Trail Map: Good map showing various trails.

» Redwoodhikes Trail Map: Great map showing many parks like Purisima Creek, Huddart, Wunderlich, El Corte De Madera, Foothills, Hidden Villa and Rancho San Antonio. Trail maps for individual parks are available online for free. However, the RedwoodHikes map shows the big picture and is helpful for planning hikes that go through multiple parks.

Walk along Bear Gulch Trail for 2.2 miles to reach "The Meadows". Then continue another 0.3 miles along Bear Gulch Trail to reach an intersection with Alambique Trail. Turn left and follow Alambique Trail for 2.7 miles back to the parking lot.

Full photo album — 6 March 2010

Photos are from a different hike with similar landscape: Bear Gulch - Alambique - Skyline.

Location: on Woodside Road, Woodside, CA 94062 . No street address. Parking area is visible in Google Maps if you zoom in sufficiently.

Directions: From I-280 North, take exit 24 for Sand Hill Rd going south and drive 2.3 miles along Sand Hill Road. Turn right onto Portola Rd and drive 0.8 miles. Continue onto Woodside Rd and drive 0.4 miles.

Google Maps:

Parking Fees: None (last visited: March 2010)

Capacity: Over 30 cars may be parked here.

Latitude: 37.412274     Longitude: -122.261688

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