A gorgeous hike through green rolling hills with panoramic valley views of Henry Coe.
Location: Henry Coe State Park
» Physical Map sold by Pine Ridge Association: A printed map may be bought from Pine Ridge Association. The map is water-resistant, tear-resistant and very detailed. A must if you plan to explore Henry Coe with multiple trips.
Route in brief: Coyote Creek Entrance → Coit Road (0.1 + 0.9 miles) → Anza Trail (0.6 + 0.3 miles) → Jackson Trail (1.4 miles) → Elderberry Trail (0.6 miles) → Rock Tower Trail (?? miles) → Jackson Road (0.5 + 0.3 miles) → Wasno Road (0.4 + 0.2 miles) → Dexter Trail (0.5 miles) → Grizzly Gulch Trail (1.0 + 0.5 + 0.7 miles) → Spike Jones Trail (0.2 miles) → Coit Road (0.1 miles).
Creek Crossings: There are two creek crossings without bridges. The first crossing is along Coit Road. The second is along Grizzly Gulch Trail. In April 2011, two weeks after rains, both crossings were easy to negotiate without getting our shoes wet.
Notes: Two articles with good descriptions of this route: EveryTrail and Two Wheel Drive.
Location: along Gilroy Hot Springs Road in Hollister, CA 95023 . No street address. Parking area is visible in Google Maps if you zoom in sufficiently.
Directions: (borrowed from CoePark.Net directions page) From Hwy 101, take the Leavesley Road exit (County Road G9) and head east. After about 1.8 miles, turn left (north) on New Avenue; go a little over half a mile and then turn right (east) on Roop Road. About 3.3 miles up Roop Road, you'll pass the Coyote Reservoir Road on the left. The Hunting Hollow entrance is about 3.3 miles past the Coyote Reservoir Road turnoff, and the Coyote Creek entrance (at road's end) is about 1.8 miles from the Hunting Hollow entrance.
Google Maps:
Parking Fees: $6 per vehicle (see Henry Coe Fees for details) (last visited: April 2011)
Capacity: About 3-4 cars may be parked next to the bridge at Coyote Creek Entrance.
Latitude: 37.099561 Longitude: -121.472622