Short, vigorous hike to High Peaks in Pinnacles.
Location: Pinnacles National Monument
» Official Trail Map: Nice map showing all hiking trails.
» Old trailmap preserved by U Texas Library: Good map, very similar to the official trail map. This one shows creeks more prominently.
Location: Pinnacles West Entrance on Highway 146 . No street address. Parking area is visible in Google Maps if you zoom in sufficiently.
Directions: (Borrowed from Pinnacles Official Website)
From the San Francisco Bay Area: Take Hwy 101 south to the town of Soledad, and then take Hwy 146 east. Take care as you're driving through town; the highway takes a few turns. Follow Hwy 146 for 14 miles into Pinnacles National Monument.
From the South: Take Hwy 101 North to the town of Soledad, and then take Hwy 146 east. Take care as you're driving through town; the highway takes a few turns. Follow Hwy 146 for 14 miles into Pinnacles National Monument.
Google Maps:
Parking Fees: $5 per vehicle (last visited: March 2010)
Capacity: Dozens of cars may be parked here.
Latitude: 36.491736 Longitude: -121.209481
Full photo album — 21 March 2010
Full photo album — 21 March 2010