A pleasant hike next to a lagoon, culminating in a beach. Great views throughout.
Location: Marin Headlands
» Official Trail Map: Good map showing various trails.
Route in Brief: From Marin Headlands Visitor Center, follow Lagoon Trail (0.6 miles) that meanders next to the lagoon on the south side. Upon reaching Rodeo Beach, walk all along the beach (0.4 miles). Return by the same route back to the visitor center.
Notes: The hike may be extended by walking along trails next to the ocean, all the way to Tennessee Point (see trail map). There are unnamed trails that extend beyond Tennessee Point as well.
Location: (Marin Headlands Visitor Center) 948 Fort Barry, Sausalito, CA . Parking area is visible in Google Maps if you zoom in sufficiently.
Google Maps:
Parking Fees: None (last visited: May 2010)
Capacity: About 25 cars.
Latitude: 37.830612 Longitude: -122.524745