Tomales Point
10.0 miles     1200 ft
7 May 2011

Hike to the northernmost point of Point Reyes to see tule elk, wildflowers and fantastic ocean views. Quite windy throughout the year.

Location: Point Reyes National Seashore

Elevation Profile
Trip Planning

Trail Maps

» Many many maps by National Park Service: Good quality maps showing various trails in different parts of Point Reyes.

» Tom Harrison Trail Map: High quality contoured map showing various trails and mileages for different sections.


Route: Follow Tomales Point Trail for about 5 miles. Return by same route.


  1. The hike goes through Tule Elk Reserve. We saw dozens of tule elk on our way back from Tomales Point.
  2. See Yelp reviews for Tomales Point and Tule Elk Reserve.
  3. It was quite cold and windy in May 2011. So dressing in layers was important.
  4. No drinking water at trailhead or along the trail.
  5. The last mile was sandy along narrow trails carved through flowery bushes. So long pants would be advisable.
  6. For better views of tule elk and Bird Rock, binoculars would be helpful

Location: (Tomales Point Trailhead) at northern end of Pierce Point Road, Inverness, CA 94937 . No street address. Parking area is visible in Google Maps if you zoom in sufficiently.

Directions: Please see Directions to Pierce Point Trailhead by National Park Service.

Google Maps:

Parking Fees: None (last visited: May 2011)

Capacity: About 20 cars may be parked here.

Latitude: 38.188849     Longitude: -122.954006

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