Reviews: RottenTomatoes (99%), IMDB (8.4), Wikipedia, Amazon.
Watch online: YouTube.
Similar movies: city life, depressing, family, intense, separation.
Summary: An intense family drama that won an Oscar for Best Foreign Film in 2012. The story involves two families. The first family is a middle class couple with an 11-year old daughter. The husband's father lives with them. He has Alzheimer's. The second family is a poor family with a 5-year old daughter. Both families have troubles of their own, a lot of which is due to the strong personalities of the two husbands. Acting is great. Character development is awesome. The story is gripping. It kept me engaged throughout. An Amazon review aptly puts it, "The only film where people watch the end credits with bated breath!" :)
After watching the movie, I read the story at Wikipedia and understood a few moments in the movie better.