Reviews: RottenTomatoes (87%), IMDB (8.2), Wikipedia, Amazon.
Watch online: WatchAnimeMovie.
Similar movies: anime.
Summary: A dreamy movie. It confused my logical mind. I have to see it again. Like all Miyazaki movies, there is a strong female character, anti-war sentiments, and magic! The first scene shows a clunky, battleship style "castle" that barely holds itself together. It walks on chicken legs. Inside the castle, there is a normal looking house with many doors. I loved that different doors leads to totally different worlds! :) One door opens to a world of fighter planes, bombs and war. Another door opens to a street in a quaint town. Another door opens to expansive landscapes with mountains, rivers and valleys with abundant flowers. Yet another door opens to a dreary, cold environment.
The visuals are rich, most of which are hand drawn. I was delighted to enter a world of magic, spells and wizards! Totally awesome! Very liberating
This movie has a weak storyline. I understood the movie better with two insightful comments on Amazon: First comment — Second comment.