Wild Strawberries (1957, Swedish)
1 Jan 2013
Director: Ingmar Bergman (91 mins)

Reviews: RottenTomatoes (95%), IMDB (8.3), Wikipedia, Amazon.

Watch online: Hulu, YouTube.

Similar movies: death, depressing, old age.

Summary: Wild Strawberries is a great but depressing movie by Ingmar Bergman. The main character is an eighty year old guy who keeps remembering his childhood and early years in flashbacks.

A great movie on old age that is uplifting is Ikiru (1952, Japanese). The main character is Watanabe, who has lived a dull, lifeless existence for over fifty years. Suddenly, he learns that he has about two months to live. He struggles to find meaning in his existence.

I tell my friends that they should watch both movies: Wild Strawberries and Ikiru. Both movies explore the meaning of life: what makes us happy? In Wild Stawberries, the main character does not find answers. In Ikiru, the main character does find answers.


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