Mount Burdell from Olompali Park
10.5 miles     1500 ft
6 May 2010

Nice hike through a shaded forest.

Location: Olompali State Historic Park

Elevation Profile
Trip Planning

Trail Maps

» Official Trail Map: Good map showing various trails.


Trailhead: Main parking lot.

Route: Walk along Miwok Trail for 0.33 miles to reach a junction with Lower Mt Burdell Trail (called Loop Trail at the junction). Continue along Miwok Trail for another 1.01 miles to reach a junction with Upper and Lower Mt Burdell Trails. Continue along Upper Mt Burdell Trail for 2.31 miles to reach the top of Mt Burdell. There is a picnic bench with great views of the bay. You may continue along the trail and enter Mount Burdell Open Space Preserve. Walk along Burdell Mountain Fire Road for about 0.5 miles to get great valley views and city views. Return via Upper Mt Burdell Trail → Lower Mt Burdell Trail → Miwok Trail.

Notes: Olompali historic site is within 0.2 miles of the park entrance. Some Miwok settlements may be seen here.


Location: close to 8900 Redwood Hwy, Novato, CA 94945 . Parking area is visible in Google Maps if you zoom in sufficiently.

Directions: The park entrance is accessible only to southbound traffic along US-101 South. Northbound vehicles have to go past the park, take the Redwood Sanitry Landsfill Road, then follow signs to join US-101 South and reach the park.

Google Maps:

Parking Fees: $8 per vehicle (last visited: May 2010)

Capacity: Dozens of cars may be parked inside the park.

Latitude: 38.151525     Longitude: -122.570150

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