A steep Big Sur hike in Andrew Molera State Park. Great 360-degree views from the summit.
Location: Andrew Molera State Park
» National Geographic Map by a Meetup Group: (meetup.com login required to view) A high quality map outlining the entire ridge trail.
» Redwood Hikes Map: An excellent map by Dave Baselt. Thanks, Dave!
Route in brief: Follow Cabezo Prieto Ridge Trail all the way to Post Summit. Then retrace your steps to the trailhead.
Notes: The last one mile to Post Summit is exceptionally steep. Check Ventana Wilderness Trail Conditions Reports for planning this hike.
From the trail head to Post Summit along the ridge trail, there was one particularly steep section.
Location: Along CA-1, a quarter mile south of Andrew Molera park entrance . No street address. Parking area is visible in Google Maps if you zoom in sufficiently.
Directions: Andrew Molera is along CA-1 in Big Sur, 21.5 south of the shopping complex in Carmel at the intersection of Rio Road and CA-1. The trailhead for Cabezo Prieto Ridge is a quarter mile south of the park entrance. Going south, you would see sign like this. Going north, you would see sign like this.
Google Maps:
Parking Fees: None (last visited: February 2012)
Capacity: A few cars may be parked on the west side of CA-1 next to the trailhead. More roadside parking is available to the north.
Latitude: 36.284888 Longitude: -121.840332