Woods Trail I
5.6 miles     650 ft
5 Nov 2010

Short hike over rugged terrain in Sierra Azul.

Location: Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve

Elevation Profile
Trip Planning

Trail Maps

» Official Trail Map: Good map with various trails.

Follow Woods Trail (2.8 miles) to reach an intersection with Barlow Road. Retrace your steps to return to trail head.

Location: Intersection of Hicks Road & Mt Umunhum Road, Almaden, CA 95032 . Parking area is visible in Google Maps if you zoom in sufficiently.

Google Maps:

Parking Fees: None (last visited: Not yet)

Capacity: Five to six cars may be parked here. A large sized parking lot for Almaden Quicksilver County Park is nearby.

Latitude: 37.175340     Longitude: -121.863651

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