EMail Closing Lines
31 Aug 2013
What are your favorite closing lines in emails? Over the last several years, I've used "With warm regards", "Cheers!", "Balle balle!", "Love", "Lots of love", "Thanks" and "Many thanks". These days, I almost always write "Sending you good wishes", which was inspired by Metta meditation taught in Buddhist circles. Different teachers teach this meditation in slightly different ways but the basic idea is the same. One approach is to generate the following feelings, one after another:

May I be at peace. May my loved ones be at peace. May those whom I have never met be at peace. May those whom I have harmed, knowingly or unknowingly, be at peace. May those who have harmed me, knowingly or unknowingly, be at peace. May everybody be at peace.

GMail enables auto signatures but I type 'Sending you good wishes' every time. For those two seconds, I experience some warmth inside me. Occasionally, to increase the amplitude of good wishes, I close my eyes for a split second :)

The cutest closing line I have seen in an email is:

Me :)
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