The 'sameness' approaches outlined above can be tools for generating compassion, which results in a positive state of mind. However, note that the concept of Oneness outlined in Three Properties (that the beings, the objects and the mental phenomena appearing in our experience do not have their own independent existence; that they occur in us just like a dream occurs in us) is quite distinct from the 'sameness' approaches described above.
The idea below was taught in a class called 'Cultivation of Compassion' at Stanford in 2012:
The concept of 'interconnectedness' outlined above can be a tool for developing gratitude, which results in a positive state of mind. However, note that the concept of Oneness outlined in Three Properties (that the beings, the objects and the mental phenomena appearing in our experience do not have their own independent existence; that they occur in us just like a dream occurs in us) is quite distinct from the concept of 'interconnectedness' described above.