Awareness & Equanimity
2 Feb 2018
Sufi & Bhakti Poetry
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Awareness & Equanimity
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The Buddhist practice of 'awareness' and 'equanimity' is taught through Vipassanā Meditation. In 1970s, S N Goenka popularized this meditation technique in India through 10-day courses. Today, these courses are taught at over 80 meditation centers worldwide. Through the articles below, I share with you my personal experience and understanding of Vipassanā as taught in the 10-day courses.

Meditation Overview

Who meditates? Why? What are its benefits?
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Breath Meditation

Breath meditation develops 'awareness'. How is it taught at the 10-day course by S N Goenka?
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Vipassanā Meditation

Vippasanā meditation (also known as Insight Meditation) develops 'equanimity'. How is this taught at the 10-day course by S N Goenka?
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The Healing Mechanism

What is the purpose of sitting for Vipassanā meditation and paying attention to naturally occurring sensations on our body, day after day? It sounds funny, doesn't it? :)
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10-Day Course Environment

What does the environment at the 10-day Vipassanā course look like?
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Why Attend the 10-Day Course?

Can meditation be learnt at home? Is it really necessary to attend the 10-day course?
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Personal Experience with 10-Day Vipassanā Course

My personal experience from the first 10-day course I did in 2007.
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